Sometimes there are obstacles to coming into a medical office, but doctor help is still available. Our Physician can meet you over a Telemedicine connection of choice for single visit or routine maintenance. Same day doctor on call appointments available serving Tampa Bay Area!
When you choose us to be your doctor, you join a community serving Tampa Bay Area! We work not just with you but with other physician members of our community to build a doctor on call network of people working together for a healthier world.
Doctor Doctor Direct Primary Care services requires a one time fee for account set up and management for physician and doctor on call services in the Tampa Bay Area.
24hr telephone access to physician, Unlimited virtual doctor, doctor on call visits, Periodic physical and wellness check-up including basic Well Woman Services after one year. Serving Tampa Bay Area!
24hr telephone access to physician, Unlimited virtual doctor, doctor on call visits, Periodic physical and wellness check-up including basic Well Woman Services after one year. Serving Tampa Bay Area!
24hr telephone access to physician, Unlimited virtual doctor, doctor on call visits, Periodic physical and wellness check-up including basic Well Woman Services after one year. Serving Tampa Bay Area!
5 Employees minimum; Includes all perks of individual membership. Serving Tampa Bay Area!
Doctor Doctor Primary Care services: it's like having a Physician in the family. Serving the Tampa Bay Area!